Friday, January 16, 2015

Welcome to WDBC

Thanks for visiting our blog. We are the Women's Diversity Book Club, and as the name implies, we are women promoting diversity in reading.

Our aim is to celebrate the extensive library of knowledge at our fingertips today, to empower women of all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities, religions and occupations with this knowledge and to encourage variety in reading selection, to expose our members to literature they might otherwise remain ignorant of, in turn making possible the sparking of new interests and activities thus inspiring a new wave of leaders, innovators and artists, and above all, to have fun.

Membership is easy! Just start by picking up a copy of The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry (available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble) by Gabrielle Zevin. I owe it to this book for sparking the idea to start this club and this community and besides, it's just a really great read (review to follow).

Starting this February we will proffer up our list of recommended reads for the month in eight different genres: fiction, fantasy/sci-fi, graphic novels/manga, history/biography, humanities, business/finance, science/technology and children's. You choose the genre, pick the book, start reading, and once you're done, post a review. Whether it be on Goodreads, Amazon,, your blog or YouTube channel, send us the link at and we will post it on the blog. We look forward to your future participation; welcome aboard.